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Installation for macOS


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Yucca works on new ARM-processors Apple M1

On November 10, 2020, Apple announced the release of devices based on the new processor and for backward compatibility emulator was introduced the Rosetta 2.

We have not tested Yucca on new processors and do not guarantee correct operation through the emulator.


  1. Install Homebrew
  2. Install wget
brew install wget
Which version should I choose?

There are 2 editions of Yucca

The completely free version does not require a license and does not contain advanced features.

Contains advanced features and requires the purchase and use of a license.
If you have a Plus or Enterprise license, install yucca with the ent postfix.

Installing with Homebrew

Open a terminal, run the commands:

brew tap yuccastream/tap
brew install yucca

Install without Homebrew

Open a terminal, download the necessary files and start the server:

mkdir -p ./yucca
cd ./yucca
tar -xzvf yucca_darwin_amd64.tar.gz
rm -f yucca_darwin_amd64.tar.gz
chmod +x ./yucca
./yucca server
mkdir -p ./yucca
cd ./yucca
tar -xzvf yucca-ent_darwin_amd64.tar.gz
rm -f yucca-ent_darwin_amd64.tar.gz
chmod +x ./yucca
./yucca server

After launch the Web interface will be available at http://ip-your-server:9910
