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This page contains configuration description for Yucca 0.5.0, follow link for latest version.

Configuration Yucca 0.5.0

Yucca setting may be provided via configuration file, command line arguments or environment variables. Configuration read priority:

  1. command line arguments;
  2. file;
  3. environment variables.

Settings is divided into logistic sections (blocks), which respond to prefix in command line arguments and environment variables.

In section Configuration file in square brackets [] indicate configuration block to which belongs the option.


Analytics collection. Yucca server may collect and send marketing infomation. In particular, the information of system configuration (processor model, type and version of operation system, RAM size, disks size, number of launched streams) to which it launched. We DO NOT collect the information about the streams sources and other sensitive datas. Analytic collection helps us understand better our users.

Collection information is also available in the terms of use.

Command line arguments
Configuration file Environment variables Default
--analytics [analytics] enabled YUCCA_ANALYTICS_ENABLED true enable / disable
--analytics-address [analytics] address YUCCA_ANALYTICS_ADDRESS "" URL to which send information


Branding allows you to change logo, field title and favicon.

Available only in Enterprise

Command line arguments
Cofiguration file Environment variables Default
--branding-app-logo [branding] app_logo YUCCA_BRANDING_APP_LOGO "" Path to file with logo
--branding-app-title [branding] app_title YUCCA_BRANDING_APP_TITLE "" Text in the field Title
--branding-fav-icon [branding] fav_icon YUCCA_BRANDING_FAV_ICON "" Path to file with favicon


Connecting to database.

Supports 2 types of databases in which it stores the states:

  • sqlite3
  • postgres

In small installations it’s enough sqlite3, for a large number of streams we recommend to use postgres.

Command line arguments
configuration file Environment variables Default
--database-type [database] type YUCCA_DATABASE_TYPE "sqlite3" Type of using database (sqlite3 or postgres)
--database-path [database] path YUCCA_DATABASE_PATH "" Path to database file (only sqlite3)
--database-host [database] host YUCCA_DATABASE_HOST "" Connection address to database (only for postgres)
--database-name [database] name YUCCA_DATABASE_NAME "yucca" Database name (only for postgres)
--database-user [database] user YUCCA_DATABASE_USER "postgres" User name for connection (only for postgres)
--database-password [database] password YUCCA_DATABASE_PASSWORD "postgres" User password for connection (only for postgres)
--database-ssl-mode [database] ssl_mode YUCCA_DATABASE_SSL_MODE "disable" Use when connecting to SSL(uplink connection) (only for postgres) Possible values (disable, require, verify-full)
--database-busy-timeout [database] busy_timeout YUCCA_DATABASE_BUSY_TIMEOUT 500 Time-out in seconds for waiting unblocking the table SQLite (only for sqlite3)
--database-ca-cert-path [database] ca_cert_path YUCCA_DATABASE_CA_CERT_PATH "/etc/ssl/certs" Path to Certification Center Certificate in case of using SSL (only for postgres)
--database-client-cert-path [database] client_cert_path YUCCA_DATABASE_CLIENT_CERT_PATH "" Path to file with certificate in case of using SSL (only for postgres)
--database-client-key-path [database] client_key_path YUCCA_DATABASE_CLIENT_KEY_PATH "" Path to file with key in case of using SSL (only for postgres)
--database-cache-mode [database] cache_mode YUCCA_DATABASE_CACHE_MODE "shared" Cache mode option using for database connection (only for sqlite3) Possible values (private, shared)
--database-conn-max-lifetime [database] conn_max_lifetime YUCCA_DATABASE_CONN_MAX_LIFETIME "0s" Sets the maximum time during which a connection can be repeated
--database-log-queries [database] log_queries YUCCA_DATABASE_LOG_QUERIES false Log sql queries and runtime
--database-max-open-conn [database] max_open_conn YUCCA_DATABASE_MAX_OPEN_CONN 0 Maximum number of opened connections with database (only for postgres)
--database-max-idle-conn [database] max_idle_conn YUCCA_DATABASE_MAX_IDLE_CONN 2 Maximum number of connections while awaiting (only for postgres)


Streams settings launch.

Command line arguments
Configuration file Environment variables Default
--executor [executor] type YUCCA_EXECUTOR_TYPE "docker" Executor type for parking streams. Possible values (docker)
--executor-log-level [executor] log_level YUCCA_EXECUTOR_LOG_LEVEL "info" Logging level. Possible values (panic, fatal, error, warning, info, debug)
--docker-image [executor.docker] image YUCCA_EXECUTOR_DOCKER_IMAGE "" The name of the image docker for worl as an executor.
--docker-cap-add [executor.docker] cap_add YUCCA_EXECUTOR_DOCKER_CAP_ADD [] Put Linux capabilities for docker container.
--docker-cap-drop [executor.docker] cap_drop YUCCA_EXECUTOR_DOCKER_CAP_DROP [] Drop Linux capabilities for docker cotainer.
--docker-cpu-shares [executor.docker] cpu_shares YUCCA_EXECUTOR_DOCKER_CPU_SHARES 0 CPU limit consumption for container. CPU quotas (relative weight compared to other containers)
--docker-dns [executor.docker] dns YUCCA_EXECUTOR_DOCKER_DNS [] DNS-server list for using by container.
--docker-dns-search [executor.docker] dns_search YUCCA_EXECUTOR_DOCKER_DNS_SEARCH [] DNS-domains list for searching
--docker-memory [executor.docker] memory YUCCA_EXECUTOR_DOCKER_MEMORY 0 Memory limit for container.
--docker-memory-reservation [executor.docker] memory_reservation YUCCA_EXECUTOR_DOCKER_MEMORY_RESERVATION 0 Memory soft limit
--docker-memory-swap [executor.docker] memory_swap YUCCA_EXECUTOR_DOCKER_MEMORY_SWAP 0 Total memory limit(memory + swap).
--docker-nano-cpus [executor.docker] nano_cpus YUCCA_EXECUTOR_DOCKER_NANO_CPUS 0 CPU quota in units.
--docker-network-driver [executor.docker] network_driver YUCCA_EXECUTOR_DOCKER_NETWORK_DRIVER "bridge" Network driver Docker (
--docker-oom-kill-disable [executor.docker] oom_kill_disable YUCCA_EXECUTOR_DOCKER_OOM_KILL_DISABLE false Do not destroy processes in the container if there is a memory shortages (OOM)
--docker-oom-score-adjust [executor.docker] oom_score_adjust YUCCA_EXECUTOR_DOCKER_OOM_SCORE_ADJUST 0 OOM Indicators setting
--docker-security-opt [executor.docker] security_opt YUCCA_EXECUTOR_DOCKER_SECURITY_OPT [] List of string values for setting MLS system tags such as SELinux


Global quotas on resourses. Can limit maximum number of certain resources that can be created\added as part of the installation.

Available only in Enterprise

Command line arguments
Configuration file Environment variables Default
--quota-global-stream [quota] global_stream YUCCA_QUOTA_GLOBAL_STREAM -1 Quota on making streams (-1 without limits)
--quota-global-team [quota] global_team YUCCA_QUOTA_GLOBAL_TEAM -1 Quota on making commands (-1 without limits)
--quota-global-user [quota] global_user YUCCA_QUOTA_GLOBAL_USER -1 Quota on making users (-1 without limits)


Server global settings.

Command line arguments
Configuration file Environment variables Default
--log-json - - true Print logs in JSON format
--log-level - - "info" Logging level. Possible values (panic, fatal, error, warning, info, debug)
--help - - - Run help Yucca Server
--config - - "/etc/yucca/yucca.toml" Path to configuration file
--data-dir [server] data_dir YUCCA_SERVER_DATA_DIR "" Global directory for storing state (in case of using sqlite3) and streams data. Makes by default with name data in the same path as a binary file Yucca.
--alloc-dir [server] alloc_dir YUCCA_SERVER_ALLOC_DIR "" Streams datas directory (video archive etc..) Makes by default in data_dir, named alloc.
--state-dir [server] state_dir YUCCA_SERVER_STATE_DIR "" Directory with database file (in case of using sqlite3) Makes by default in data_dir, named server
--default-language [server] default_language YUCCA_SERVER_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE "en" Default interface language for new users
--web.listen-address [server] listen_address YUCCA_SERVER_LISTEN_ADDRESS "" IP address and port where the webinterface will be available
--cert-file [server] cert_file YUCCA_SERVER_CERT_FILE "" Path to certificate file in case of using HTTPS
--cert-key [server] cert_key YUCCA_SERVER_CERT_KEY "" Path to key file in case of using HTTPS
--pprof [server] pprof YUCCA_SERVER_PPROF true Debug mode


Settings related to stream behavior.

Command line arguments
Configuration file Environment variables Default
--streams-archive-download-max-duration [streams] archive_download_max_duration YUCCA_STREAMS_ARCHIVE_DOWNLOAD_MAX_DURATION "24h" Maximum allowable length of requested download time
--streams-playlist-max-duration [streams] playlist_max_duration YUCCA_STREAMS_PLAYLIST_MAX_DURATION "3h" Maximum allowable length of requested time for m3u8 playlist
--streams-ranges-max-duration [streams] ranges_max_duration YUCCA_STREAMS_RANGES_MAX_DURATION "168h" Maximum allowable length of time requested for ranges (archive range availability)
--streams-uuid-slug [streams] uuid_slug YUCCA_STREAMS_UUID_SLUG false Use as a public stream identifier generated by UUID


Uses for monitoring settings.

Command line arguments
Configuration file Environment variables Default
--telemetry [telemetry] enabled YUCCA_TELEMETRY_ENABLED true enable / disable the telemetry
--web.telemetry-path [telemetry] path YUCCA_TELEMETRY_PATH "/metrics" URL for telemetry access
--telemetry-basic-auth-username [telemetry] basic_auth_username YUCCA_TELEMETRY_BASIC_AUTH_USERNAME "" Based authorisation login for telemetry access
--telemetry-basic-auth-password [telemetry] basic_auth_password YUCCA_TELEMETRY_BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD "" Based authorisation password for telemetry access