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What's new in Yucca 0.4.0


Requiring FFmpeg

A new page for stream adding, requires FFmpeg package to be installed in order to get information about the source before adding it to the server.

For macOS users, FFmpeg package can be installed by Homebrew:

brew install ffmpeg

For users of Linux distribs, please refer to the updated installation page for details.

New page for stream adding

Instead of a simple input line for the address, we added receiving detailed information about the source and displaying a preview:

Add form

If the source is unavailable:

Add form error

License interface

It’s easier to add and track license status now:

License view

Global stream quota

Server configuration new block - a quota, you can limit the maximum number of users or streams on the server, after reaching the limit, the user will receive an error.

The current number of users and streams, as well as the set quota, can be seen on the stats page:


Ukrainian language

Ukrainian language is available now:


If you notice any inaccuracies in the translation, write to us by mail or Telegram chat.

What's next?

Check the update guide to 0.4.0, installation guides may be found on the Install page.